

Quoting Jesus in Matthew 9:37, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field". Would you take time to ask the Lord of the harvest for some workers needed for His harvest fields?

Want to know more?  Contact us at missions@westridge.cc

Missionaries supported by West Ridge:

Bill and Susie Antolec:
www.acorn2oaks.org | info@acorn2oaks.org


Mark and Lois Simpson:
River of Life Ministries
www.RiverOfLifeMinistries.com | riverofliferevival@gmail.com


Dr Sherry : 
Children's Ministry International


Ben and Mandy Pehrson:
Wycliffe Bible Translators
www.wycliffe.org |  ben-mandy_perhson@sil.org


Doug and Amanda Tunney:
Youth With a Mission (YWAM)
www.ywampittsburgh.org | info@ywampittsburgh.org


Derek and Holly: 
Beyond | https://beyond.org/

Tim and Linda Wright: 
Operation Mobilization
www.om.org/en/country-profile/united-kingdom | thewrighttoknow@gmail.com

Mark and Ellie Geppert: 
S.E. Asia Prayer Center (SEAPC)
www.seapc.us | markgeppert@seapc.us

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